EA Exam Review - Part 1 Member Benefit


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Personalize the pace and direction of your EA exam preparation with Gleim’s review materials. This course includes digital books, test bank of questions and a realistic practice environment.

Gleim’s expertly-authored books are broken up into small, bite-sized sections for maximum retention and contain comprehensive outlines and examples. Use the test bank with the largest collection of multiple-choice questions to build up your level of knowledge and deepen your understanding. You will feel right at home when you sit for the EA exam because the Gleim platform looks and functions just like the Prometric testing environment.

Part 1 of the IRS Special Enrollment Examination (SEE) exam covers individual income, deductions and credits, estate tax, gift tax and FBAR. 

Course Details

This course package includes one-year access to:

  • Largest test bank of questions with unlimited practice exams
  • Digital book containing comprehensive outlines and examples
  • Authentic exam day emulation

Course Activation

To receive your NATP member benefit, register above. You will be emailed a link to access your materials through Gleim. These materials are available as long as you are a member of NATP​. ​

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