Membership Levels Customer FAQ
Can I change my membership level to Premium now or do I have to wait until my renewal?
To switch membership levels outside of your renewal period, please call Member Services at 800-558-3402, ext. 3, or online using our
My Membership options.
What is the cost to change my membership to the Premium level?
If you have an available invoice, you can
renew early at the Premium level.
If you want the Premium earlier than two months prior, you can upgrade to Premium, which will expire with your current renewal date. To switch membership levels outside of your renewal period, please call Member Services at 800-558-3402, ext. 3, or online using
My Membership options.
Can I change my membership level to Basic now or do I have to wait until renewal?
You can change your membership level to Basic once you are in your renewal period and have an invoice available. Member Services representatives will help you with this transaction. Your current benefits will expire with your renewal date.
Is there a membership available for my staff?
Yes, your staff can become a
Professional Associate member and receive the same benefits as Professional members, except that printed publications will be e-mailed and
TheTaxBook WebLibrary Plus add-on will not be available. To qualify for this membership, there must be a member at your office location who is a Professional or Premium member and membership will be set to auto renew every year with your credit card on file.
How does my staff get a discount on education?
Discount for events will be determined by your membership level. For example, Basic members will receive a 5% discount, and Professional and Premium members will receive a 25% discount. Your staff would need to be a member to receive any discounts. You can purchase
Professional Associate membership at the discounted membership rate.
Do I get a discount on chapter event registrations?
You will find that most chapters offer a member and nonmember price for their events. The chapter decides the percentage of the discount.
If I want to opt out of certain benefits, can I get some of my dues refunded?
No, you are paying for a membership level. There is no refund if you do not use certain benefits. We encourage members to review their options during their renewal period and pick the level that best meets their needs.
Are any of my membership benefits transferable to my staff or other colleagues?
No, membership level benefits are only available to the member. Due to CPE tracking requirements, education included at each level is only for the member.
How does someone join who is outside the United States?
Someone who resides outside the United States is welcome to join the membership level that best fits their needs. Regardless of the level chosen, publications will be emailed, not mailed.
Is there a discounted membership for students?
We do not offer a discounted membership; however, the Basic level is an affordable option for new tax preparers or someone just getting to know us and our offerings.
Is there a discounted membership for retired members?
Yes, we have an Emeritus membership. To qualify, you must be 70+ years-old and have been a member for at least 15 years. For more information, please call Member Services at 800-558-3402, ext. 3.
Update to research benefit
Starting Oct. 1, 2024, NATP members will gain select access based on membership levels to Ask Blue J, a cutting-edge tax research system designed to answer your tax questions quickly and accurately. This new benefit will replace our current research service, which will be discontinued on Nov. 15, 2024. For more information, visit the research member benefit FAQ.