​​​​​Georgia Chapter Education

Upcoming Events

You can find your Chapter's upcoming events listed below. Please remember to contact your Chapter's website, Education tab, to register for the events.

Information about upcoming events may also be announced in the Chapter News email publication to members. For news of interest to tax professionals, see Chapter Newsletters and other information on the Resources tab.​

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Previous Events

Georgia State Conference Dillard GA 2024Sept. 2024Dillard
2024 Regional Class - Savannah, GAJune 2024Savannah
2023 Georgia NATP State ConferenceSept. 2023Dillard
Savannah Regional ClassJune 2023Savannah
Georgia Tax UpdateJan. 2023Webinar
2022 Dillard Fall Conference and Annual MeetingSept. 2022Dillard
Georgia Department of Revenue Net Operating LossJuly 2022Webinar
2022 Savannah Regional ClassMay 2022Savannah
Georgia Department of Revenue Presents Credits to the GA NATPJan. 2022Webinar
2021 Fall Conference and Annual MeetingSept 2021Dillard
2021 Savannah Regional ClassJune 2021Poller
2020 Fall Conference and Annual MeetingSept. 2020Dillard
Fall Conference & Annual MeetingSept. 2019Dillard
State Conference & Annual MeetingSept. 2018Dillard
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