​Find a Tax Preparer

Having a tax preparer that you can trust and who understands your unique needs is extremely important. When it comes to paying your taxes, the last thing you need are surprises and confusion. Members of NATP work at offices that assist approximately 10 million clients. Whatever your situation, we have specialists who can help.

Our members are:


Yearly, we award over 225,000 education credits.​


We require all members to agree to a superior standard of professional conduct before their application is accepted.


Our members average over 33 years of tax preparation experience.


We have professionals in all 50 states and 25 other countries, including Canada.

To search for the perfect preparer, we recommend searching the database provided by the IRS . This directory contains preparers that hold a professional credential or have obtained an Annual Filing Season Program Record of Completion from the IRS.

Find a Tax Pro

Other resources are available to find a tax preparer near you, including Google​​. When reaching out, ask them if they are a member of NATP!

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